Polytrade 2.0

To date, Polytrade has been known as an RWA Trade Finance Protocol, bringing trade finance on chain via its lending & tokenization technology and deep origination & underwriting expertise.

However, over the past year and a half, we've built out products that service more than a single RWA vertical or a single business model. Going forward, Polytrade will be reorganized into what we are calling Polytrade 2.0.

Polytrade 2.0 will consist of 2 distinct, but interrelated business lines

RWA Marketplace

Institutional Technology

Both verticals remain underpinned by our core Marketplace, Tokenization, & ERC-6960 technology as well as our accumulated traditional finance plus DeFi knowledge base.

RWA Marketplace

The RWA Marketplace will become our core DeFi offering that aims to aggregate and consolidate on-chain RWAs by solving the key problems we have encountered in the ecosystem.


Onboarding & Eligibility


Cross-Chain Access

Ticket Sizes

Secondary Liquidity


Demand Aggregation

Discovery refers to making it easier for buyers to find RWAs across the growing universe at a single destination. Our definition of RWAs is intentionally broader than legacy financial assets to include assets like creator royalties, commodities, physical goods, apart from traditional assets like trade finance, structured credit, TBills, real estate, creator royalties etc.

Assets on the marketplace will include assets issued on-chain by third party protocols as well as off-chain asset originators.

By using AI search (live now), users will be able to simply add in their intent such as "savings" or "retirement" or "star wars" and find all relevant tokenized assets across the web3 ecosystem.

Onboarding & Eligibility denotes one of the key pain points for asset buyers i.e. KYC and onboarding individually with each RWA protocol as well as the added complexity of geographic, ticket size, and accreditation restrictions associated with purchasing RWA assets. The Marketplace will make the process simple by filtering out where users can actively participate and reduce redundancy in onboarding.

Consideration refers to Consideration refers to giving tools and information to the users to meaningfully decide between different assets as well as meaningfully fulfill their intent with respect to such investments. This includes providing important attributes in a standardized taxonomy across RWAs including expectations of risk, reward, liquidity, ratings (where available), structure, eligibility, and mapping them to potential user intent (savings, treasury, long term, speculative etc.)

Currently we see the most RWAs concentrated in a few large chains. However, liquidity and buyer interest may lie fragmented across chains. Not every protocol has the capacity nor core focus to bring their assets to all chains. Cross-Chain Access means RWAs on the marketplace shall, in due time, be accessible across chains.

Ticket Sizes are a major barrier to entry for smaller investors to benefit from RWAs. With Polytrade’s technology (ERC-6960), RWA assets can be made more accessible via user led fractionalization. 

Usability refers to making RWA assets more interoperable - such as giving users to leverage or borrow on their RWA assets. A key part of this will be the use of ERC-6960 to allow protocols to freely build on a common standard for RWAs.

Last but not least, Secondary Liquidity is a major hurdle for asset holders. Without a place to transfer RWA tokens, we cannot build a thriving RWA ecosystem that has the basic components to enable asset management, efficient price discovery, and portfolio creation.

We believe solving these core components will lead to Demand Aggregation that will be critical to the maturity of the RWA ecosystem. Similar to how OpenSea and Blur created the market for Art NFTs, a single gateway for RWAs will create a real and thriving market for RWAs.

Apart from solving these core problems, Polytrade also aims to actively incentivize Demand Creation via the Loyalty Portal.

The Loyalty Portal will act as a distribution channel not only for Polytrade but for all Polytrade partners as well. By aggregating and incentivizing demand from RWA users through the Portal, Polytrade will drive visibility, volumes and growth on the Marketplace as well as Partner Ecosystems.

This will lead to additional partner rewards to all Polytrade users on the portal, which has been demonstrated by rewards from companies such as Forbes Web3, Condo.

Institutional Technology

Over the past year, we have seen a surge in institutional interest in our core technology including ERC-6960 for tokenization of any Real World Asset or Physical Asset as well as our Marketplace. Infact, the marketplace was built in close coordination with one of the largest global banks.

Polytrade is also part of the MasterCard StartPath Cohort as well as one of the first applications on the Mastercard MTN Network

Our last business line consists of working with large banks, institutions, and corporates to solve their challenges using Polytrade's suite of front facing and backend technology including ERC-6960, Marketplace, Lender Protocol, Onboarding & KYC Manager,  Lender Workflow Manager, and Lender Admin.

The revenue model for institutional adoption will range from platform fees to subscription, implementation, and servicing revenues.


In the Polytrade 2.0 era, Polytrade's core headline metrics will be:

Key Metrics

  • Total users on Marketplace and total users on the loyalty portal
  • Total Investments in Assets via Marketplace (Primary or Secondary)
  • Volumes on deployed technology for Institutions

Revenue / Fees

  • Trading Fees, Primary Fees, Channel Partner Affiliate Revenue, Listing Fees, and Ecosystem Fees for Marketplace
  • Partner airdrops and distributions revenue to users on the Polytrade Portal
  • Platform Fees and Setup Fees for Institutional Technology

Total Transacted Volume means the sum of all transactions that take place via the Polytrade platform including marketplace volumes and institutional deployment volumes


Polytrade is a on-chain decentralized protocol and as such our core commitment is to our community. As we generate value, we remain committed to making sure that value flows to our community.

Moreover, TRADE tokens will be a key part of the PolyTrade marketplace. TRADE will facilitate exchange and investments on the marketplace. Users that use TRADE to pay for fees and features shall benefit from major rebates as well as feature access. 

More to follow on this.

As we say at Polytrade, the best is yet to come!


Polytrade is a Real World Asset company backed by Alpha Wave, Matrix Partners, and Polygon with a mission to bring traditional and new age assets to the global on-chain ecosystem. The Polytrade team brings in deep financial and technological experience from SocGen, J.P. Morgan, Fantom, HSBC, PayU, Retreeb and Securrency.

AS Seen ON

Proud Part of Mastercard StartPath Digital Assets Program